#100 Our 100th Episode Extravaganza!

Can you believe it?!?! 100 episodes of the Husband and Wife Talk. We are so proud of the community we have built, we are so thankful for all of you who listen! If you are new to the pod, welcome! This is some of our favorite episodes, although there are SO many more we love that we couldn’t squeeze in.

If you hear something you like please share, rate our podcast and subscribe. We love hearing from you so don’t be shy!

What a milestone. We are so proud of every episode we have created, what we have learned and how we have grown. Here’s to 100 more!


Husband and Wife Talk

Follow along for all the extra fun!



Instagram @dancinggingeralex



Instagram: @corey_loren  @halleloocreative


- The H&WT Team